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The ICT development plan

The ICT development plan provides the bridge between the school's current practice with ICT and the school's vision for ICT. An ICT development plan should be successful in achieving the school's vision. As such, the ICT development plan will need to define the key interrelated areas of development necessary to achieve a successful ICT strategy.

These key areas are likely to include the development of resources (infrastructure and digital content), professional development (ICT use and pedagogy), and curriculum development (ICT capability and ICT use in subjects). The development use of ICT for administration is a separate consideration.

Ofsted describes good ICT development plans as ones which "take a strategic view
of developments in staff expertise, resources and curriculum and seek to align these."

DfES Standards Fund NGfL guidance (as described by Becta) sets out the areas to be covered in schools' ICT development plans. These are:
how the school will use ICT to help raise educational standards by enhancing the delivery of the National Curriculum
in primary schools: the plan should demonstrate how ICT will contribute to the achievement of targets set by the school for improvements in the number of children achieving level four and above in mathematics and English and what use will be made of guidance from the National Numeracy and Literacy Strategy on using ICT to teach more effectively
in secondary schools: the plan should indicate how the schools will use ICT to support developments under the Key Stage 3 Strategy for ICT including the enhancing the school capacity to use ICT for teaching and assessment
how investment in ICT will be coordinated with meeting the professional development needs of its teachers, including through the take up of training opportunities funded by the New Opportunities Fund (NOF)
how the school will integrate the use of ICT for school management and administration purposes by adopting the standards set out in the DfES Information Management Strategy (IMS)
how the school's ICT facilities will be made available for use out of normal school hours by pupils and for community purposes
how ICT will be used to promote inclusion, for example by supporting pupils with special educational needs and by developing home-school links (including the development of a school web site)
setting out the school's policy for the acceptable use of ICT, including secure access to the Internet
an audit of levels of equipping, network use and teacher development currently being undertaken
setting out the school's policy for managing, developing and sustaining its ICT provision, including accommodation/access issues
arrangements for technical support
the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of equipment.

Becta identifies four elements to an ICT development plan
the ICT audit
aims and objectives
the implementation plan

Plans should be devised as a result of auditing current practice in ICT and identifying priorities for development. Plans should have clear, agreed aims and objectives that describe the school's vision for ICT. The plan should have a timescale, be costed, show responsibilities and be evaluated. Targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed (SMART).










Useful Links

  ICT Development Plans (Becta)
What makes a good ICT Development Plan? (Becta)
ICT Development Planning (Building the grid)
ICT Development Plans (Herts)
Contents of an ICT Development Plan (Slough)

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